Our Trainer Directory lists trainers around the globe who use our highly successful programs.  They are all experienced negotiators and excellent trainers, so if you want something a little more local, why not contact them direct.

Petter Tømmerberg

Petter Tømmerberg DBA, MSc, MBA

Together with Robert Hartnett, Petter has developed and taught executive training courses in Negotiation and Strategic Negotiation in Denmark and Norway for the last 15 years. He has consulted with a number of Scandinavian organisations, including the Norwegian Post Office and the Norwegian Defense. Petter has the degree Doctor of Business Administration, and he is a senior consultant specialized in managing complex programmes and projects. His academic background together with his extensive experience as a consultant has given him the knowledge of how to define, assess and deal with issues that an organisation faces.

Email: petter.tommerberg@ikomm.no
Mobile: +47 992 88 200

Simon Gardiner

Simon Gardner

Simon, based in Bilbao in the Spanish Basque Country, was founder and CEO for 35 years of Lanser, the leading Corporate Language Consultancy and Training organisation, both when owned by the Corporación IBV (Iberdrola and BBV) and as an independent organisation.


He has worked with thousands of corporate professionals to help them to run productive meetings, to speak with confidence in public and in meetings and to negotiate in English.


As an independent consultant and trainer, he runs negotiation skills seminars in-company and on an open basis for business organisations such as Chambers of Commerce, sectorial associations or Tech Parks throughout Spain.

Simon Gardner




+34 630 053 810


Stanislav Martynov, MBA

Stanislav Martynov, senior consultant in negotiations, delivers negotiation training at all levels of seniority: involving both average employees and top management of the companies.

He is exclusively licensed to use the methodology of negotiation training worked out by Professor Gavin Kennedy on the territory of Russia and CIS.

Stanislav has established the company “BROCA & WERNICKE” which is specializing exclusively in studying negotiation process, delivering trainings and consultancy in the area of negotiations. The company is founded on his extensive (exceeding 14 years) experience in consultancy and business development including such companies as IBM and Deloitte.

“BROCA & WERNICKE” team regularly consults (assessments, preparation for negotiations, and participation in negotiations ) and trains (workshops, seminars and lectures) employees of leading financial, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, IT, telecommunication, construction, FMCG, and other companies. Stanislav’s clients include such companies as AstraZeneca, MSD, Coca-Cola, DECATHLON, Technonicol and Gazprom.

Stanislav has undergone training under the program of professional negotiators in the UK and holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Higher School of Corporate Management).

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stanislavmartynov/